?. Essential Truths
From Wounded to Wisdom
Endeavoring to follow Christ but coming up against challenges? Have you been wounded by past decisions when faced with the challenges of coping with addictions like alcohol or drugs, prescriptions, the Occult, sexual immorality, abuse – mental/physical/sexual, or perhaps battled suicidal thoughts or actions?
Ever felt your decisions and/or those of others’ decisions on these matters prevent you from having a relationship with God and pushed you into Atheism or the Occult?
Did those decisions drive you further and further from God and into the depths of depression, mental illness, and possibly suicidal acts? Were you abused mentally or physically and feel you have no path to salvation because you believe yourself to be unworthy?
We are in the middle of gathering stories with a plan to compile them into a new series of books geared towards helping others overcome the incidents that derailed you. If you feel comfortable sharing, we would appreciate hearing your journey. Once submitted, we will review it and reach out to discuss it further.
Vision, Issues, & Values
Essential Truths is being written to combat the pitfalls associated with these situations and to bridge the chasm between you and Christ. We seek people like you because you have became lost in the shuffle of past decisions and become reactionary to church friend and family. Many congregations today have drafted as doctrine a culture of cherry picking which sins they want to persecute and which they blissfully ignore as “not that bad.” Scripture tells us that all sins are an abomination unto God; meaning that gossip or gluttony are on an even playing field with those most will readily dismiss as impossible for God to handle. Our mission is to build a bridge between Christ and you.
Wounded and full of regret from past decisions?
Coping with addiction, the occult, or sexual immorality?
Have past decisions driven you further from God and into mental illness or suicidal act?
Were you abused, mentally or physically, and now feel you have no path to salvation because you believe yourself to be unworthy?
Are you now in or desiring to walk away from sexual immorality but feel there is no place for you in man’s church?
The answer to all of these is simple. God is our ultimate judge, not mankind, for He alone is worthy to sit upon the thrones of Mercy and Judgment as we are now in the dispensation of Grace. Scripture tells us that He judges us on the entirety of our lives and that He came to earth to sacrifice Himself for the sins of all mankind; not just those many deem to be worthy of redemption. When He drank from that most bitter cup in the Garden of Gethsemene, it was not for some of our sins and transgressions. It was for all sin related to humanity for all time. Nothing you have done excludes you from the process. Our mission is to combine many stories into a book series complete with a Bible Study and workbook companion, video tutorials and testimonials – from those willing to go public with their journey, and group session component for training ministry leaders and families in how to deal and copy with difficult situations.
Our world needs disciples of Christ outfitted with the full armor of God while believing in and practicing the same empathy and compassion Jesus Christ utilized during His time on earth.
About The Author
Bio coming soon.